Published inWelcome to The FamilyFalling, and getting back up again.Before beginning this article, we must note that Oussama Ammar holds the right to be presumed innocent in the facts that we, very…Mar 28, 20221Mar 28, 20221
Published inWelcome to The FamilyTomber et se relever.En préambule de cet article, nous devons rappeler qu’Oussama Ammar est présumé innocent des faits dont, hélas, nous le soupçonnons.Mar 27, 202214Mar 27, 202214
The Family va bienDepuis l’annonce de la fermeture de nos locaux à Paris, Londres et Berlin, certains médias publient des articles à charge contre The…Jan 22, 20216Jan 22, 20216
Published inWelcome to The FamilyLivestorm CEO Gilles Bertaux on startup hypergrowthHe’s a first-time founder who’s been living up to an enormous challenge.Jan 12, 2021Jan 12, 2021
Published inGoldupRien ne se perd, tout se transforme ;)Avec Ilfynn et Mélanie, on a de bonnes nouvelles à vous partager… 1. C’est la brocante chez The Family, tous nos meubles partent…Oct 22, 2020Oct 22, 2020
Published inWelcome to The FamilyThe rise of emotional intelligenceI’m the CEO and cofounder of The Family, accompanying ambitious entrepreneurs — 150 startups, 465 founders to be precise. Over the last 6…Oct 21, 2020Oct 21, 2020
Published inWelcome to The FamilyThe Family, Moving On…line!Confined during quarantine, The Family team moved all of its activities online — taking care of our entrepreneurs, providing education to…Jul 2, 2020Jul 2, 2020
Published inGoldupGoldup version 2 : t’es pas prête ;)L’expérience de la crise a complètement transformé la façon dont Goldup accompagne les femmes.May 12, 20201May 12, 20201
Published inGoldupGoldup Portrait, Marine Vanier💎 By discovering the reality of other women entrepreneurs, in their plain truth or through the stories they tell, we can accept ourselves…Aug 13, 2019Aug 13, 2019